What happened in 620 days of 31 minutes Kirtan Kriya

Kirtan KriyaAnd so my long and winding journey with Kirtan Kriya continues 🙂 

My recent post about Shakti Pad puts into perspective where I am now with my daily 31 minute practice of Kirtan Kriya. Too far gone to stop and turn back; too deep in to stop paddling – the only option for me is to keep going, and keep going I shall.

Life has been incredibly busy for me these past few months, what with studying and teaching, and there has been a fairly full plate to contend with. Too full to practice much on my sarangi. Too full to post regularly on my blog. Not too full to keep going with my morning practice of Kirtan Kriya. Thank grace, it’s the one thing that is never sacrificed. Of course, I’m always faced with a choice of how I fill my days, but my daily Kirtan Kriya is non-negotiable. It has to be, for the uncomfortable/comfortable reasons mentioned above.

I wouldn’t change it for the world. Me and Kirtan Kriya, we are in it together! The initial sparkles and jazz hands and bells and whistles might have worn off over the months, but I have such a deep glow of respect for this incredibly powerful practice. If you feel drawn to taking on an extended kundalini yoga practice, I can highly recommend this one!

Sat Nam x

6 years ago